Friday, 25 June 2010

Muslim Council of Britain

APP, Muslim Council of Britain elects new leadership, 21 June 2010 "The UK’s largest Muslim organisation-The Muslim Council of Britain-has elected a new leadership comprising Secretary-General Farooq Murad, Deputy Secretary-General Dr.Shuja Shafi and Treasurer Haroon Rashid Khan. The new officials were elected at the 13th Annual General Meeting held here on Sunday evening and pledged to make the organisation more vibrant, promote the participation of women and the wider range of Britain’s Muslim communities."

Also see: Muslim Council of Britain, Muslim Council of Britain Elects New Leadership and Pledges to Build Alliances, 21 June 2010

Madeleine Bunting, Comment is Free, Guardian, The MCB's Wonderland election, 18 June 2010 "Imagine an election with only one declared candidate running … and he is not going to win. It may sound like a form of democracy better devised in Alice's Wonderland, but unfortunately it's home grown: this is how the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) is due to decide on its next leader this Sunday."