Wednesday 21 November 2018

Mitzvah Day (and associated controversy)

BBC News, Mitzvah Day: Jews and Muslims come together to cook chicken soup 

"Volunteers from Muslim Aid and Stoke Newington Shul came together to make 1,000 bowls of chicken soup for the local homeless population."

Also see opinion/speculation: Middle East Eye, Was the Jewish-Muslim 'chicken soup challenge' cooked up by UK's Home Office?

"Jews and Muslims from youth groups, mosques and synagogues attempted to cook a thousand portions of the traditional Jewish dish as part of a programme organised by Mitzvah Day, a charity that promotes a day of social action led by the Jewish community.

"But the Chicken Soup Challenge was also backed by the UK Home Office, through a programme that provides funding and support for counter-extremism projects, a detail that went unmentioned in reports produced by BBC News and The Guardian. "