Monday 5 July 2010

Centre for Social Cohesion report, Britain is hub of Violent Islamism Worldwide, Says Centre for Social Cohesion's New Report, 5 Jul 2010 Press release. "Islamist Terrorism profiles 127 Islamism-inspired terrorist convictions and attacks in the UK, spanning the decade 1999 to 2009. It outlines the links the individuals had to terrorist groups; their nationality and ethnic origin; their age, hometown, occupation and education; which other terrorists they were connected to; the legislation used to convict them; and more. This data is analysed to show the trends among those involved in Islamism-inspired terrorism."

Also see Centre for Social Cohesion, Islamist Terrorism: The British Connections

"Al-Qaeda inspired terrorism is the greatest national security threat facing the UK. Islamist Terrorism: The British Connections presents the most comprehensive ever overview of the UK's connections to violent Islamism worldwide."

There is a link to a preview pdf. The report apparently runs to 500+ pages, although I've only had a chance to glance at this preview. I haven't got a copy of the full report, so cannot really comment on it. The Centre self-publishes a variety of reports, including several relating to the themes of this blog. Information on the Centre is profiled on this Wiki page.