Thursday 28 January 2010

European Muslim Research Centre, University of Exeter

The European Muslim Research Centre is announced through the following article:

Jonathan Githens-Mazer and Robert Lambert, Guardian, Muslims in the UK: beyond the hype, 28 Jan 2010 "Today, we are proud to launch the European Muslim Research Centre (EMRC) at the University of Exeter. We hope that the EMRC will be part of a wider process of voices and perspectives which are too often being ignored, or buried under a tide of negative portrayals of Muslim communities and Islam by vociferous sections of the media and populist politicians."

There's a new report, published today via the EMRC website, (direct link: Islamophobia and Anti- Muslim Hate Crime: a London case study [pdf]. I haven't read this yet.

It will be interesting to track the progress of this centre, and to see what events and publications emerge. They have an Advisory Board that includes John Esposito (Georgetown University), Tim Niblock (University of Exeter) and Muhammad Abdul Bari (from the Muslim Council of Britain)