I lifted this from the email announcement, as it looks interesting. Please address any questions to the organisers, rather than myself:
AbdoolKarim Vakil (King’s College, London)co-editor of Thinking Through Islamophobia: Global Perspectives Hurst 2011
Julian Petley (Brunel University) co-editor of Pointing the Finger: Islam and Muslims in the British Media,
Oneworld, 2011
AbdoolKarim Vakil and Julian Petley will discuss their new books and the contexts and ideas behind them, before taking questions from the floor. Copies of both books will be available for purchase.
Thursday 19 May 2011, 5.30-7.00pm
Room G3, SOAS Main Building, SOAS, University of London, Russell Square
All are welcome. Booking not required.
Further information: http://www.framingmuslims.org/