Monday, 19 July 2021

Islamic Responses to COVID-19 Conference Videos

Virtually Islamic: Islamic Responses to COVID-19 Conference Videos Conference YouTube Channel()

The edited videos from the recent UWTSD 'Islamic Responses to COVID-19 Conference' are now available

Videos can be viewed sequentially (as in the original order of the conference) or you can pick and choose. The speakers were excellent, on what is a timely subject. Putting the presentations online seems logical, so hopefully those who could not attend can catch up.

I hope that this subject can be further developed in due course.

Update: Cardiff University, Islam UK Centre, Blog, Two videos: Islamic Responses to COVID-19]

Jason Mohammad

Sunday, 18 July 2021

Anjem Choudary

BBC News, Anjem Choudary: Radical preacher's public speaking ban to be lifted

"Radical preacher Anjem Choudary's ban on speaking in public is to be lifted as conditions which were imposed after his release from prison come to an end."

Sunday, 4 July 2021

Election discussion